Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tax Lien Fraud exposed in Douglas County

By George I think they Got it !

Settle all matters Privately with The 1099 Available at the Matrixx learn your Process settle any court case WAKE UP PEOPLE ! With our Dvds   while they last !

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Power of Paper

Always respond to anyone claiming to be a creditor by creating your Affidavit and give them 14- 30 days to respond the first time , then 7 days the second time , then your final Notice that they have failed to respond in a timely manner You Win !

Phil Valentine - Lockdown USA PART 9 with Sister Myrah

Sister Myran El is Now gone if you wish to Purchase some of here rare hard to find Dvds we have them at the Matrixx Site Please share this info in order to help others help as many people as you can DO NOT STAND BY MOVE NOW !